In this case study, Antoine shares his experience with the Treo 650 from Cingular (If you would like to contribute your case study, please e-mail it in the same format as shown below to [email protected] with Case Study in the subject line). Here is Antoine’s experience with the Treo 650.
How do you rank the device and the related services in the following areas (rankings are 1 to 5, where 5 is the best)
Overall satisfaction? 5
Features? 3
Usability? 5
Compatibility with your desktop? 5
Technical support? Haven't used
Reliability? 4
Would you recommend this device to others who have similar needs to yours?
What specific things do you like about the device and related services?
Usability, abundance of programs for entertainment/ infotainment, great battery life (for the way that I use it)
What things don't you like or that can be improved and related services?
Could have more internal memory, support faster wireless standards, less reliance on conduit programs for installation and updates
Which devices have you used in the past? Please list them starting with the most recent device and then going backward and answer the following questions about each of these devices:
Treo 600: Sept. 05; retired after getting the 650 at an excellent price
Palm T5: Feb. sold (used along with Sony Ericcson T616 for data connectivity)
Palm Tungsten E: Dec. 04 retired
Palm Zire71: April 03, lost to water damage in Sept 04
Palm m515: ~Oct 02: retired
Moto C331g: retired when got the T616
Palm IIIxe: Aug 2000, replacement the next year